Philip has a new room. His old tiny nursery is now a less excesive study for us (although we have maximised storage with 3 levels of shelving plus 3 bookcases), and the front bedroom is now repapered, painted and fitted out. The process started on Tuesday night and was made possible by Gran and Grandfather's amazing work over a long weekend and Jo's assistance on the Sunday. Hard work but the results are great.
Last weekend was Mad and Rob's wedding which was great. Philip attended his first barn dance and wasn't missing out by shutting his eyes. Luckily he was quiet too and we had an excellent evening. Sunday evening we got the exciting news that Hugh and Jo are engaged and on Sunday we got to see the lovely ring that Hugh chose and bought as a surprise. What a clever lad! And on Monday the student that's off to develop technology education resources for disadvantaged communities in South Africa came down for his briefing.
Feels like we've been busy! Philip is now sitting up independently, spent all yesterday giggling just cos he could and loves things that fall or roll away.
Last weekend was Mad and Rob's wedding which was great. Philip attended his first barn dance and wasn't missing out by shutting his eyes. Luckily he was quiet too and we had an excellent evening. Sunday evening we got the exciting news that Hugh and Jo are engaged and on Sunday we got to see the lovely ring that Hugh chose and bought as a surprise. What a clever lad! And on Monday the student that's off to develop technology education resources for disadvantaged communities in South Africa came down for his briefing.
Feels like we've been busy! Philip is now sitting up independently, spent all yesterday giggling just cos he could and loves things that fall or roll away.
Can we have photos of the two rooms please (especiailly as it looks like I won't be up north for a wee while now)
Amy x
Amy, at 1:26 pm
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