
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Things went quiet this morning and I went into the front room to find Philip having cracked how to get into the Pringles tub (or did we leave it a bit open), and with about 12 rammed into his mouth. I couldn't be cross as it's rather our fault for leaving them there but on trying to trim his stash down to something more reasonable they all crumbled and went everywhere which led to quite a tantrum. Mornings are never boring any more!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

20 week scan yesterday which was nice to see the tiny thing and find no problems. It's amazing the definition they get on those things. It declined to show it's face, prefering to stay tummy down, so no exciting space prawn photos worth sharing, people may be relieved to know.

Friday, February 09, 2007

V little snow here by the way, after all the dire warnings. Maybe it's yet to come? Hope all you southerners are coping better than the news seems to be portraying.

Time to break blog silence, and let anyone know who doesn't already that I'm pregnant again - due in July (so no jamboree for us)! I haven't blogged for a while cus the early days of pregnancy give me a bit of a sense of humour failure so nothing seems interesting to write about and also it makes me very tired so there's no time. And now I come to log in I discover I have to upgrade to a new google account. Good job Philip has long lunchtime sleeps!

Philip is now very much on his feet and walking - he began on Christmas day - and is very much enjoying the extra independance. Apparently he spends his time at nursery wandering around and giggling to himself. He also sometimes scares and overwhelms himself by trying to go too far or do too much and needs plenty of sleep, which is just fine by me. We've had a few bugs since Christmas which has been a bit grotty, but then Philip suddenly regained his usual charming self and has been great fun since. He's starting to understand what's said to him and making real efforts to communicate back - mamamamama for when he wants something (not necessarily me) and quite a recognisable "door" (yes they're still one of the most important elements in Philip's world). He understands teddy and shoes and heads off to hunt for them if they are mentioned in any context. I just have to be careful there aren't unprotected stairs on the way. There's probably lots of other things he understands and is trying to tell us, we just haven't sussed them all yet.