
Saturday, May 06, 2006

I love where I live. I've just been for a walk along the canal and seen lots of lovely pink blossom, people out playing cricket and bowls and tennis (different people for each :-)), the ducks splashing around, the trains and the canal boats coming past .... And I now know a sufficient number of people that I often see someone to stop and have a quick chat to.

So how was the "week" at work? Not too bad at all. Philip has been waking up a bit too early so I had to operate on less than ideal sleep, but it wasn't too difficult getting him to nursery on time with all the right stuff - in fact the first day we were waiting outside for a couple of minutes for it to open. Philip has got far too good at sleeping at nursery, but he's also got much better at taking his milk so let's celebrate the successes!

I think I've then got the easy job heading off to arrange for people to meet sewerage tankers to fit / remove noise meters for health and safety assessments and work out how to do risk assessments on railway buffer stops (the risk of overrun and therefore what provision should be made). I have to admit to being pretty worn out by the end of it though.

Philip's painting education has continued, but only by observation as we joined SAGGA NW to paint a toilet block last weekend. We also had fun chopping some bits off trees to let more light into a pond we've been steadily improving. So Philip has spent his first day at a campsite and seemed to really enjoy it, and we enjoyed getting the excercise and the conversation.

Monday, May 01, 2006

After an exhausting day at the 'office' Claire put Philip down in his cot for a quiet moment and put her head in her hands, exhausted. Suddenly the cries turned to giggles, for Philip interpreted the head-in-hands gesture as the start of a game of peek-a-boo. You just cannot stay worn-out for long...