
Friday, November 07, 2008

Day 4 of the school settling process and the first tears. Not because I was going but because I came to take Philip home and he didn't want to go. I probably could have been less confrontational but we've both got iron wills so we're getting pretty used to resolving conflict, Philip and I. And with Charlie wanting to mess with everything I was feeling under pressure to get them both out of there.

So it came to pass that I marched out of the classroom with Philip under my arm while the class teacher carried Charlie. I let Philip's tantrum run it's course in the foyer, with kind support from the receptionists. Bit of a public display from the Wright's! Luckily Charlie sat good as gold in the buggy while Philip's storm blew over. He only wanted time to finish his milk in peace poor love.

Hopefully we're up to full sessions next week so P won't have to leave when others are still happily playing. It's the childminder taking him and picking him up so he's less likely to dig his heels in. And may be one day I'll learn to take the easier route, although then maybe I just wouldn't be me :-)


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