
Saturday, September 27, 2008

As part of a VSO Global Exchange we have 2 young men staying with us for the next couple of months. One, called Sabat, is from East London and is fasting for Ramadan at the moment. The other is Herbert from Limpopo, South Africa. They are part of a team of 18 18-25 year olds taking part in 3 months voluntary work here in the UK and then 3 months in Venda, South Africa. They arrived last Saturday so they're just settling in at the moment, but we've had some pretty interesting conversations already. Philip and I went to the welcome party last night and Philip loved the dancing, singing and multi-cultural games of peek-a-boo! As well as the chocolate cake. We trying not to bore them with our stories of South Africa but it does bring back good memories. Herb makes paper from recycled paper and banana leaves and having seen what is sold over here is looking to see if he can develop his market.

Charlie is toddling inside and out with confidence now, and thanks to a bit of training from grandfather can climb steps quite fast. He's been a bit ill this week so we've had a quieter week around the house. He seems much better but still sleeping more than usual and a bit more fussy about his food, but that could be just because he's growing up too.


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